Legal notice and T&C of use


HAAN BRAND, S.L. (hereinafter, “HAAN”)
Tax identity code number: B-67343376
Registered office: C/ de Mañe i Flaquer 16, 08017 Barcelona, Spain.
E-mail:shop@haanready.comRegistered in the Barcelona Trade Registry
Domain name:


In compliance with the LSSICE, transposing Directive 2000/31/EC, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 8 June, regarding certain aspects of information society services, this section includes information on access to and use of the website, its products and content.

Access to and use of by any Internet user implies acceptance and compliance with these General Terms and Conditions of service and any other specific conditions of service where applicable.

This website has been designed to publicise and allow all users general access to the information, activities, products, services and/or solutions offered by HAAN in exchange for an economic benefit.

Access to certain content offered through this website may be subject to certain specific conditions that, depending on the case, replace, complete and/or modify these General Terms and Conditions. Therefore, prior to accessing and/or using said content, the user must also read the corresponding specific conditions carefully.


1. GENERAL ACCESS is a free and open access website for all Internet users.

The use of this website by any person confers status of user of the website, and requires adherence to these Terms and Conditions in the version published at the time of access. For this reason, HAAN recommends that the user read the Terms and Conditions of use carefully each time they access the website.

HAAN is not responsible for damages caused by improper use of the service.


2.1. Free nature of access to the website
Access to the website is free for users.

2.2 Obligation to use the service correctly
The user undertakes to use the service in accordance with the law, these General Terms and Conditions, as well as with generally accepted morality and good conduct and public order.

The user agrees to refrain from using the service for illicit purposes or to illicit effects contrary to the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable, overload or deteriorate the service or prevent normal use and enjoyment of the service by users.

2.3. Responsibility for damages
The user shall be liable for any damages of any sort that HAAN may suffer as a result of failure to comply with any of the obligations that may apply under these General Terms and Conditions or applicable law regarding the use of the service.

2.4. Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility

2.4.1. Availability, continuity, usefulness and reliability

HAAN does not guarantee the availability and continuity of operation of the service. The user acknowledges that it is technically not possible to secure absolute and permanent availability of the website. However, HAAN works to keep it continuously and uninterruptedly available.

We inform you that, for reasons of maintenance, technical updates or security or due to incidents beyond the control of HAAN, there may be a temporary suspension of the web services or certain anomalies in the provision of its services. When this is reasonably possible, HAAN will give prior notice of interruptions in the operation of the service.

Neither does HAAN guarantee the usefulness of the service for carrying out any particular activity, or its infallibility and, in particular, although not exclusively, that users can effectively access the different web pages that make up the service, or that through this service information, data or content is actually transmitted to third parties, or that information, data or content is actually received from third parties.

HAAN excludes any responsibility for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of operation of the service, to the fraudulent use that users may have made of the service and to service failures and failures in accessing the different web pages of the service, failures in the transmission or reception of information, data or content.

HAAN has no obligation to control and does not control the use that users make of the service. In particular, HAAN does not guarantee that users use the service in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions or that they do so diligently and prudently. It also has no obligation to check and does not check the identity of users, nor the veracity, validity, completeness and/or authenticity of the data that users provide about themselves.

HAAN excludes any liability for damages of any nature that may be due to the use of the service by users or that may be due to the lack of veracity, validity, completeness and/or authenticity of the information that users provide.

2.5. Refusal to allow use of the service

HAAN reserves the right to refuse use of the website services at any time and without prior notice by those users who fail to comply with these General Terms and Conditions.

Furthermore, HAAN may suspend or terminate a user's account and their use of the website or any of its parts due to a breach of these Terms and Conditions or any specific term related to a specific service.

The following is a list of actions that are not allowed in the use of this service and that may be grounds for its suspension:

  1. When the user tries to access the service outside of normal use and without using a web browser.
  2. When the user posts a large quantity of requests to this site and generates load on the system.
  3. An act equivalent to unauthorised access or to the creation of security breaches.
  4. Illegal actions.
  5. An act entailing an offence.
  6. An act that violates intellectual property rights, including copyright and patent rights.
  7. Acts that disrupt public order and morals.
  8. Actions interpreted as socially inappropriate behaviour.
  9. When HAAN judges an act to be inappropriate to the uses and practices of the sector, etc.
  10. When the user breaches the Terms and Conditions of service.

    2.6. Duration and termination

    The provision of the service, in principle, is of an indefinite duration. However, HAAN is authorised to terminate or suspend the provision of the service.  When this is reasonably possible, HAAN will give prior notice of interruptions in the provision of the service.

    If you have a suggestion or proposal to work with us, write by email to:


    Certain environments of the HAAN website enable or require the user to create an account or to register to be able to access and/or enjoy its services.

    The user undertakes to provide and update their true and current identification details in the registration processes and forms. The user agrees not to impersonate, not to falsify and not to make use of the name, password, or any other information of the account of another person or entity.

    Furthermore, the user undertakes to immediately notify HAAN of any unauthorised use of their username, password, account information or any security infringement of which they become aware in the HAAN web environments.

    In the event that user account registration is required, a unique account will be generated for each user and it will be the latter who will assume all responsibility for managing it. If they forget their password or username, the user must contact HAAN to re-generate access with a new password, once it has been determined that the applicant is the true owner of the account. Transferring or loaning accounts is prohibited.

    HAAN recommends the use of an alphanumeric combination for the password, which is difficult to guess and improves access security.

    The access identification and authentication procedures may be changed by HAAN, who will inform users appropriately.

    HAAN is not responsible for improper access to the private environments of the website through the use of passwords in the name of a user, nor for damages caused by improper use of the service. The user is responsible for improper use and unauthorised access by third parties who use their username and password to access.


    HAAN is a trademark registered with the European Union Intellectual Property Office under no. 018021695 and 018243423, and therefore any use of the same or of any similar identification sign that may lead to confusion about its origin or ownership by third parties without the prior written authorisation of HAAN is expressly prohibited.

    The website accessed is a domain registered by HAAN BRAND S.L. This domain may not be used, unless expressly authorised in advance, in connection with other services that are not services of the company such as to cause confusion among our clients or discredit the company.

    The entirety of this website is protected by Spanish and international Intellectual and Industrial Property laws; and in no case does access to the website imply any type of waiver, transmission or total or partial transfer of the rights granted by said legislation.

    The following are expressly prohibited: reproduction (except temporary downloading from the website to the user's computer hard drive or proxy servers), copying, use, distribution, reuse, exploitation, making second copies, mailing, transmission, modification, transfer or any other act that is done with all or part of the information contained in this website that has not been expressly authorised by HAAN.

    The user undertakes to use the contents in a diligent, correct and lawful manner and not to delete, elude or manipulate the "copyright" and other data identifying the rights of HAAN, as well as the technical protection devices or any information mechanisms that may be included in the contents.

    Likewise, the user will refrain from using the content and information of any kind obtained through the website to send advertising, communications for commercial purposes, unsolicited messages addressed to a plurality of people regardless of their purpose, as well as refrain from marketing or otherwise disclosing such information.


    HAAN makes every effort to avoid any errors in the contents of the website, but is not responsible for damages caused by improper use of the user's service. The services HAAN offers comply with applicable legislation.

    HAAN will keep the application open twenty-four hours a day, every day of the year. However, it reserves the right to suspend access temporarily, when necessary for the maintenance of the system's central computer or Internet servers. Insofar as is possible, we undertake to alert users if the stoppage is important or long-lasting.

    HAAN does not benefit from the contracts made by the user with third parties in its web environment, and therefore will not be responsible for any damages that users may suffer from a momentary cut-off of access to the service and, especially, when said cut-off is a consequence of circumstances beyond HAAN's control, such as (without being considered limiting) the interruption of communications, of electricity services or breakdowns in the internet network.

    HAAN will not be obliged to repair damages or losses that are a consequence of services provided by external companies with which it has entered into contract and in which HAAN acts merely as intermediary.


    The content of the website is intended to offer new products and provide information on our business activities.

    The user must remember that such information may not contain the latest updates. It may be modified or eliminated by HAAN without notice. No binding effect will derive from any information provided through this website.

    The company disclaims any responsibility regarding any decision made by the user on the web as a result of the information contained therein.

    HAAN will not be held liable for any information not drawn up by it or not published in an authorised manner by it under its name, or for any improper use of the content.


    Any links on the website are for information purposes only and HAAN does not control or check any information, content, products or services on these websites.


    Regarding the links set up by other pages to this website, as well as, if any user, entity or website wishes to set up any type of link to the HAAN website, the following stipulations must be followed:

    • They can only be directed to the home page.
    • The link must be absolute and complete, i.e. it must take the user to HAAN’s address and must completely cover the spread of the home page screen. In no case, unless expressly authorised in writing by HAAN, may the page that makes the link reproduce the HAAN website in any way, include it as part of its website or within one of its “frames” or create a “browser” on any of the website's pages.
    • No erroneous or incorrect indication will be made about the HAAN page.
    • If any distinctive sign of HAAN, such as brands, logos and names is shown, this must have written authorisation.
    • The owner of the page that provides the link must act in good faith and will not aim to negatively affect the reputation or good name of HAAN.
    • Unless expressly authorised by HAAN, it is prohibited to register the text elements of the brand or logo, the domain name or the corporate name of HAAN, as a keyword (“metatags” or “metanames”) for Website searches carried out through search engines.

    HAAN does not guarantee the continuity of operation of the website or that the same is operational and available at all times. Nor is it responsible for direct or indirect damages, including damage to computer systems and the introduction of existing viruses into the network resulting from Internet browsing necessary for the use of this website.


    Regarding browsing, the user undertakes to diligently and faithfully observe the recommendations made at any time by HAAN regarding the use of the website. For these purposes, HAAN will contact users by any means of communication over the website. The user will be liable for the damages that HAAN may suffer as a result of the breach of any of the obligations set out in these Terms and Conditions. The user agrees not to use any of the content that HAAN makes available to carry out activities that are against the law, morality or public order. Those who access the website must observe the applicable legislation, the codes of ethics or conduct that may be subscribed, and the general rules regarding its use. In accordance with these, they will refrain from behaviours that, by way of example and non-exhaustively:

    1. Infringe, disregard or attack fundamental rights and public freedoms recognised constitutionally in international treaties and in the rest of the legal order;
    2. Induce, incite or promote criminal, denigrating, defamatory, insulting, violent actions or, in general, those against the law, morality and generally accepted good conduct and public order;
    3. Induce, incite or promote discriminatory actions, attitudes or ideas based on sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or status;
    4. Incorporate criminal, violent, pornographic, degrading messages or, in general, messages that are against the law, morality and generally accepted good conduct and public order;
    5. Induce or may induce an unacceptable state of anxiety or fear;
    6. Induce or incite engagement in dangerous, high-risk practices or those harmful to health and mental balance;
    7. Are false, ambiguous, inaccurate, exaggerated or extemporaneous, such that they may mislead as to their purpose or as to the intentions or purposes of the communicator;
    8. Are protected by any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to third parties, without the User having previously obtained from their owners the necessary authorisation to carry out the use made or intended to be made of them;
    9. Violate the business secrets of third parties;
    10. Are contrary to the right to honour, personal and family privacy and personal image rights;
    11. Infringe the regulations on communications secrecy;
    12. Constitute illicit, misleading or unfair advertising and unfair competition in general;
    13. Cause, due to their characteristics (such as format, extension, etc.), difficulties in the normal workings of the service, or fail to meet the technical requirements or specifications established for access to the website.

    HAAN will have the right to modify the Terms and Conditions stipulated herein unilaterally, in full or in part. Any changes will appear in the same form as contained in these Terms and Conditions.

    The temporary validity of these Terms and Conditions runs, therefore, from the time of their presentation, until the moment in which they are modified in full or in part by the company.

    HAAN may unilaterally terminate, suspend or interrupt the operation of this website, without the user being able to demand any compensation. After said termination, the user must destroy any information about HAAN that they have in any format and that they have obtained through the site or through the communications made through it individually to them.


    For any dispute related to these conditions of service, the parties accept to submit expressly to the Courts of Barcelona (Spain) and to Spanish law. In accordance with Article 29 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, for any dispute when the affected party is a consumer, it may, at its own discretion, select the usual address of its residence for the filing of legal actions.

    We care about the people and the planet. That’s why our purpose revolves around the water crisis. Every time you purchase HAAN you are supporting this statement, as we donate part of our profits to support clean water projects.