#03 Thugwalugwa

Women and little girls are mainly the ones that go every day in the search for water, which takes them time away from other tasks such as learning, working, or doing household chores. Not having water means a lack of sanitation but also education and self-development.
In the case of Thugwalugwa, they had to walk almost 2km per journey to end up in a dirty river where they would share the water with different animals. You can imagine that this was not in the best condition. Afterward, women and girls had to walk back to their homes holding a huge container full of unclear water.

Not having water means a lack of sanitation but also education and self-development.

We were extremely impacted to see a community like Thugwalugwa, where most of the population are children, have this unthinkable life conditions. Not even that, to think that the lack of access to clean water jeopardized the future of so many kids, was really shocking. So, we decided to act and help them.

Once we built the well in Thugwalugwa, we are happy to say the situation radically changed for the better: no more walks, no more diseases related to water and no more waste of time to gather muddy water.

Now women and girls can invest their time in other activities such as going to school, working, doing home chores. We are glad that thanks to your contribution we were able to give them the opportunity to grow personally and as a community.

We care about the people and the planet. That’s why our purpose revolves around the water crisis. Every time you purchase HAAN you are supporting this statement, as we donate part of our profits to support clean water projects.